

Acquaint yourself with the College's surrounding communities and begin thinking about some serious questions, like how much am I willing to spend and do I need a roommate?  Please note Campus 住房 no longer manages non-affiliated off-campus housing listings. 


There is a variety of housing options in the LaMorinda (拉斐特, 东湾, Orinda) area available to Saint Mary's College students. 当你开始寻找校外住房时, keep in mind the following types of housing and their price estimations.


Apartments are the most common type of rental available to students. In most cases, you will be required to pay the first and last month's rent and a security deposit. 大多数公寓都没有家具. Rental costs of apartments will vary depending on location and size.


Single apartments tend to be higher priced because of their privacy and size. Typically, singles include a separate 厨房和浴室. (Living room spaces can sometimes be converted into a bedroom to split costs of rent.)

多卧室:每月2100 - 3500美元

Rent will depend on size, area and rooms (multiple bathrooms, two or three bedrooms, etc). Typically, multiple bedroom apartments include separate kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms.

一室公寓:每月1500 - 1300美元

Studios are typically smaller spaces that only include a living area, 厨房和浴室, 而且是单人房.


Rooms in private homes vary in cost, size, style and privileges. 费用将取决于厨房区域的使用, access to private entrances and other amenities like utilities. 代替租金, some owners offer rooms in exchange for housework, 婴儿——坐, 或者提供交通工具. Be sure to discuss use of facilities (including laundry) and expectations with the homeowner prior signing an agreement.

私人住宅:每月700 - 1000美元


Some homeowners rent houses to groups of students. Landlords typically require first and last month's rental fees and a security deposit. (Interested students should be sure that each student living in the household have their name on the lease.尽管租房可能会更贵, students can normally enjoy their own kitchen and laundry facilities and have larger living spaces. Be sure to discuss responsibility for costs such as upkeep of premises, 水电费和可能的房主费.

Rented Houses: $2,950 - $5,500 per person per month


The following are lists of websites and newspapers to assist you in your search. Always be aware of fraudulent offers or listings. The College accepts no responsibility for any actions arising from these listings. 学院尚未接受, 批准, or dis批准 of these facilities nor investigates, 支持, or guarantees the suitability of those responding to any listing.


  • 这附近晚上照明好吗?
  • What sorts of neighbors are in the neighborhood? Helpful Hint: Tell a friend or neighbor when you are out of town to keep an eye on your place.
  • If you do not have a parking space, where will you safely park your car?


  • Have there been any recent crimes (thefts, attacks, etc) in the neighborhood?
  • 谁在该地区巡逻,多久巡逻一次?
  • 谁有大楼钥匙的复印件? 谁能进入这栋楼? Helpful Hint: Use only initials on your mailbox or name listing.


  • 每个入口的门上都有一个门闩
  • Window locks (Windows should also be accessible in case of emergency)
  • Smoke detectors in each room (check the batteries!)
  • Fire extinguishers on each floor of the building
  • 大楼的紧急程序


The following chart contains estimated costs for living off campus (excerpted from "At 首页 2007,,可在“居住生活”中找到):


电话/电视/互联网/ 12个月包括$1,188$1,188$1,188
工具/ 12个月包括$2,415$2,415$2,415
杂货/ 12个月$6,660(包办套餐)$2,760$2,760$2,760



  • 气体
  • 电缆
  • 互联网
  • 电话
  • 垃圾



有一个室友可以抵消开支. 和未来的室友, it is important to discuss prior to move in how expenses will be shared and paid. It is also important to come to an agreement about the length of the rental. Finally, keep in mind questions about cleanliness, guests, pets, social life and smoking.


If you plan on using your own vehicle, be sure to factor in gas and mileage into your budget. If you plan on using public transportation, be sure that you are near a stop and find a schedule. (Please see our 资源 section for bus routes and schedules, 出租车信息和捷运信息.)




  • Estimated time to Saint Mary's is under five minutes
  • Located 18 miles east of San Francisco with about 17,000 residents
  • 风景优美的小径和令人惊叹的景色
  • 以起伏的丘陵而闻名的居住城镇, great weather and being one of the safest communities in the state
  • 预计到旧金山湾区捷运系统需要十分钟
  • 更多关于莫拉加


  • 预计到圣玛丽医院需要十分钟
  • Northwest of Saint Mary's, located next to Highway 24 and a BART station
  • Family- oriented community with 17,000 residents
  • Mainly residential homes, with limited apartments
  • 更多关于Orinda的信息


  • 预计到圣玛丽医院需要十分钟
  • Northeast of Saint Mary's, located next to Highway 24 and a BART station
  • Residential areas surround a thriving downtown with entertainment options
  • Area includes multiple apartments, studios and other housing options
  • 靠近拉斐特水库
  • 更多关于拉斐特


  • Estimated time to Saint Mary's is fifteen to twenty minutes
  • Located east of Saint Mary's with 68,000 residents
  • Premier shopping and dining destination in East Bay, including outdoor mall
  • 多种住房选择
  • 更多关于核桃溪的信息


  • Estimated time to Saint Mary's is twenty to twenty-five minutes
  • Located northeast of Saint Mary's with 33,000 residents
  • Downtown includes theater square, restaurants and home goods
  • 更多关于普莱森特山的信息


  • Estimated time to Saint Mary's is thirty minutes
  • 圣玛丽学校西边,加州大学伯克利分校所在地 & 100000居民
  • College community brings diverse cultural experiences, housing options & 更低的成本
  • 更多关于伯克利